Funding the airways
Te Māngai Pāho provides funding to 21 Māori reo irirangi stations across Aotearoa. These stations are broadcast on frequencies reserved for the promotion of Māori language and culture. Most have been running for several decades and have a loyal, regular audience.
At this stage, Te Māngai Pāho does not have pūtea available for additional iwi radio stations, however Māori radio stations are eligible to apply for Diverse Content funding to supplement core funding and diversify their operations.
The iwi radio network: Radio Waatea, Tainui Live, Tūmeke FM, Awa FM, Ngāti Hine FM, Tahu FM, Te Korimako o Taranaki 94.8 FM, Atiawa Toa FM, Te Hiku 97.1 FM, Radio Ngāti Porou, Moana Radio, Te Arawa FM, Te Upoko o te Ika, Kia Ora FM 89.8, Radio Kahungunu, Tūranga FM, Tūwharetoa 97.2 FM, Raukawa FM, Tautoko FM, Ngā Iwi FM & Maniapoto FM