NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho announce co-funding for Scripted and Non-Fiction te reo and te ao Māori content
The successful applicants for the Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air - Te Māngai Pāho Reo Māori Co-Fund have been announced with funding for content that reflects Aotearoa today and in recent history.

He haupū pūtea nā NZOA me Te Māngai Pāho kua whakaritea ki te waihanga i ngā hōtaka Scripted, Non-Fiction rānei ka tuhia ki te reo Māori, e hāngai ana ki te ao Māori rānei.
Kua pāhōtia ngā kaitono i whai hua i te haupū pūtea o Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air – Te Māngai Pāho Reo Māori Co-Fund ki te waihanga hōtaka e kite atu ai te Aotearoa ā mohoa noa nei.

Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII
Kei te ariki, Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero te Tuawhitu, ko Te Māngai Pāho tēnei ka tangi tahi, ka haku tahi ki te ao Māori i tō ngarohanga ki te pō

Whakakatahia rātou – ngā hiahia me ngā manako o ngā apataki pāpāho Māori, e tipu nei
He wero ka whakatakotohia e te rangahau motuhake whānui nei e aro ana ki ngā waiaro arapāho, ki ngā mariu arapāho, ki ngā toitoi manawa arapāho hoki o ngā Māori i Aotearoa

Make them laugh – the wants and needs of the growing Māori media audience
Comprehensive independent research into the media behaviours, preferences and motivations of Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand

Celebrating 30 years of te reo Māori broadcasting: Te Māngai Pāho marks milestone anniversary
Te Māngai Pāho celebrates three decades of te reo Māori creativity, innovation and excellence in the Māori broadcasting sector.

Te Māngai Pāho grateful for continuation of te reo Māori funding
This year's Budget 2024 announcement confirmed that Te Māngai Pāho won't have to accommodate a cut in its funding allocation under Vote Māori Development.

Statement from Te Māngai Pāho and Pango Productions
Te Māngai Pāho and Pango Productions are pleased their differences of opinion over the 2023/24 General Audience funding round one have been resolved without the need for determination by the court.

E pāhotia ana e Irirangi Te Motu me Te Māngai Pāho ngā kaupapa Whakaari e ita nei te reo Māori me ngā kaupapa Māori, i puta i te rauna tuku pūtea ngātahi.
Kua pāhotia e Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air me Te Māngai Pāho ngā kaitono angitu mō te rauna tuku pūtea ngātahi a Te Māngai Pāho me NZ On Air, e arotahi nei ki ngā kaupapa Whakaari e ita nei te reo me ngā kaupapa Māori, mā ngā kaimātakitaki whānui.

NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho announce Scripted content with strong te reo and te ao Māori themes in latest co-fund
Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho have announced the successful applicants for the Te Māngai Pāho / NZ On Air Co-Fund with a clear focus on Scripted productions with strong te reo and te ao Māori themes for broad audiences.

Te Māngai Pāho and NZ On Air announce $3m in co-funding support of Māori Regional News Hubs.
Irirangi Te Motu | NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho have confirmed four recipients of funding as part of a co-fund to provide continued support to Māori Regional News Hubs, an initiative providing collaborative news services across 11 Iwi radio stations.

Decision to extend Screen Production Grant eligibility "win, win, win"
NZ On Air and Te Māngai Pāho are thrilled with the change to the NZ Screen Production Grant (NZSPG) settings, which will now make domestic projects with international ambitions able to apply for the NZSPG alongside NZ On Air or Te Māngai Pāho funding.