Coffee Spot

"Coffee Spot" is an enchanting musical journey that showcases MOHI's distinctive ability to seamlessly weave Te Reo Māori and English, creating a harmonious bridge between cultures and languages.


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Ai, E Kō

‘AI E KŌ’, celebrates the enduring allure of a captivating woman who continues to captivate her partner with her beauty, even after years of being together.

TAWAZ • Jackson Owens • Mikey Dam

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Whakaoreore - ILLKEYS Remix

This vibrant release, entirely in te reo Māori, carries a powerful message of empowerment and positivity, encouraging listeners to embrace life with energy and enthusiasm.

Kirsten Te Rito

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The track itself is an ode to Kupe - Master navigator from Tahiti who discovered Aotearoa around 900AD.


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"Kārearea" offers a musical journey that pays homage to ancestral stories. The track takes inspiration from a rich Māori ancestral pūrākau about the pursuit of aroha between Northern rangatira, Ueoneone and twin sisters and puhi Reitū and Reipae.


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Kia Manawa

Musician and songwriter PERE collaborates with the talented students from Ngā kura tuarua o Tāmaki Makaurau in a heartfelt tribute to the Starship Hospital, unveiling their inspiring new single "Kia Manawa."


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BMW Remix

This single contributes to the power of Bad Mana Wahine. Empowering our ladies to feel the goddess energy that lies within all of us, to inspire and motivate us to chase our dreams and find happiness in our lives.

Te KuraHuia

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‘Found’ highlights the importance of being around the people you love. This track has brought together a bunch of talented rangatahi creatives that brings passion and energy and showcases the raw talent of rangatahi in Aotearoa.


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Te Reo ki Whakarongotai

This heartfelt, indiginous RnB song pays tribute to the profound love AJA holds for her ancestral home in Waikanae on the Kāpiti Coast. The waiata speaks of knowledge passed down through wānanga


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Renowned, golden-voiced artists Mara TK, Raakai Whauwhau, Hawkins and Ria Hall have released their first collaborated single alongside a group of music students from Te Wharekura o Ngā Purapura o Te Aroha.

Raakai Whauwhau • Mara TK • Ria Hall • Hawkins

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Hine ki te Ao Mārama

A powerful generational message of aroha and strength, ‘Hine ki te Ao Mārama’ is a waiata aroha that honours the divine essence of daughters. Featuring Seth’s signature Pacific Soul sound and the smooth vocals of emerging artist Mareikura Nathan.

Seth Haapu

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He Aho

He Aho - TAWAZ ft Sarah, Hops, Rani, Nepia, Hone, Rems, Meto-tagivale


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