Whai Ora
A hook-laden, new wave Pacific Soul waiata, Seth describes ‘Whai Ora’ as a “state of mind. It's about being present, connected, and held through change.”
Seth Haapu
Listen on SpotifyDancing In The Stars
Dancing In The Stars coincides with Matariki. Rebel explains “I was really struggling with my grief so I decided to shut off all the devices and go back to what I love doing most after music - reading! I picked up ‘Navigating The Stars’"
Rebel Reid
Listen on SpotifyTū Rangatira
"Tū Rangatira" is a song dedicated to inspiring Rangatahi to become future Rangatira! The track also features two local rangatahi and another Kaiarataki, Kayde, all of who I've learned so much from as I begin my own journey.
J Westrupp
Listen on SpotifyPurotu
Purotu is a very special waiata that Jackson Owens holds close to his heart. It talks about his son, Kaia and how much he means to Jackson. “Ever since my son was born, it has been a dream of mine to dedicate a waiata to him."
Jackson Owens
Listen on SpotifyTū Mai Te Reo
Tohu releases their second single, “Tū Mai Te Reo” on 19 May. 2023. It speaks of holding our language close to us, connecting us to our culture. Tama (lead singer) wanted to write a waiata that was easy on the ears and had a strong message.
Listen on SpotifyTe Aroha ki a koe
Are you ready to be transported back to the best days of music? "Te Aroha ki a koe" is the perfect song to take you on a journey of 90s nostalgia, kind of like a good old Garage party with the Whānau.
Pere Wihongi • Valkyrie
Listen on SpotifyTe Ōhaki - Kei Hea Taku Reo
Te Ōhākī - Kei Hea Taku Reo (The Legacy – Where Is My Language) is a recreation of Whirimako Black’s most iconic song Kei Hea Taku Reo which was first released in 2001.
Mareikura Nathan • Whirimako Black • Kings
Listen on SpotifyKa Pai Ake
Ka Pai Ake is a beautifully crafted ballad reminiscent of it’s English predecessor. Created for He Oro Taiohi and their second wānanga back in 2022, it was the words of our youth that encouraged their voice to be free and open in what they want.
He Oro Taiohi
Listen on SpotifyTūturu
‘Ahakoa ngā piki me ngā heke ka kake mo ake’ - Despite the trials and tribulations, we strive on. ‘Tūturu’ talks about true, everlasting love, no matter what trials we come across. The purpose of the waiata is inspired by true love, te aroha tūturu.
Listen on SpotifyTītoki
Tītoki is Maimoa's swansong. Former media personalities were brought together to record the waiata "Maimoatia" for Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori in 2016, they quickly turned into a serious musical group, releasing a string of reo Māori singles that would chart
Maimoa Music Limited
Listen on SpotifyTahuri Mai
“Tahuri Mai is an upbeat, fun and energetic, reo rua (bilingual) waiata that delves deeper into the funk and neosoul sounds, growing MOHI's sound and bringing his infectious vocal to the forefront.
Listen on SpotifyAroha Tāoke
'Aroha Tāoke' gives the listener an insight into the duo’s own experience of being used to toxic love, but now finding a healthier love within each other. Stuck in the familiarity of toxic love, Iris G and JARNA both end up facing a choice: Do we want our
Iris G • JARNA
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