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News Kawepūrongo

Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII
Kei te ariki, Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero te Tuawhitu, ko Te Māngai Pāho tēnei ka tangi tahi, ka haku tahi ki te ao Māori i tō ngarohanga ki te pō

Celebrating 30 years of te reo Māori broadcasting: Te Māngai Pāho marks milestone anniversary
Te Māngai Pāho celebrates three decades of te reo Māori creativity, innovation and excellence in the Māori broadcasting sector.

Te Māngai Pāho grateful for continuation of te reo Māori funding
This year's Budget 2024 announcement confirmed that Te Māngai Pāho won't have to accommodate a cut in its funding allocation under Vote Māori Development.