Board Poari
We are governed by a diverse group of competent leaders, with Dr Eruera Tarena at the helm.

Dr Eruera Tarena
Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Porou, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui
Eruera joined the Board of Te Māngai Pāho in 2014 and was appointed Chair in November 2016. Eruera brings a strong background in te reo, tikanga and language revitalisation to the Board, as well as extensive strategic management skills and academic leadership. Eruera is Executive Director for Tokona te Raki: Māori Futures Collective, a centre for indigenous social innovation based in Otautahi/Christchurch. He has worked across multiple divisions of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and has extensive experience facilitating collaborative partnerships, cross-disciplinary teams and projects. A graduate of Te Panekiretanga Centre for Excellence in te reo Māori, Eruera studied Māori oral traditions for his master’s degree and received the Fullbright / Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Scholar Award in 2013. He was a First Nations Future Fellow at Stanford University in 2011 and was awarded his PhD in 2015 for his study of indigenous organisations, their design and how they balance culture and commerce. Eruera has recently received a NEXT Foundation Fellowship to develop an indigenous innovation framework. Most important, Eruera is the father of four tamariki raised in te reo who are his driving force in language revitalisation efforts and his reality check on how younger generations engage with te reo content and how they choose to express themselves and their culture through te reo.

Paraone Gloyne
Ngāti Raukawa
Deputy Chair
Toihau Tuarua
He kaimanaaki reo Māori a Paraone, he kaiako, he kaitito, he tauira, he kaipāpāho, e aronui ana ki te reo, ki ngā tikanga, ngā karanga, te whaikōrero me ngā waiata tawhito. He kaiako ia i ngā kura reo mō te tekau tau ki ngā Kura Reo ā-motu, he kaiako hoki ia ki Te Whare Kōrero o Raukawa.He ākonga o mua, he kaituruki hoki ia nō Te Panekiretanga o te reo Māori, ā, kei te mahi ia hei Pou Tikanga, hei Pou Reo Matua ki Te Wānanga o Aotearoa ki Te Awamutu, e whakahaere ana i te rautaki reo Māori ā-whakahaere o Reo Ora.Nāna te kaupapa o Mahuru Māori i tīmata, ko ia te kaipāpāho, te kaiwhakarite hōtaka hoki o te kaupapa Taringa, he paohorangi reorua nā Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.I tēnei wā ko Paraone te heamana o te Tainui Waka Cultural Trust, he māngai mō Tainui i runga i te Komiti ā-Motu o Te Matatini, he mema hoki ia o te komiti matua o Te Ara Wai: Te Whare Taonga Hou o Waipā. Ko ia hoki te heamana o Te Taumatua o Mōtai Tangata Rau, me te Komiti Marae o O-Tāwhao, ā, ko te kaiwhakarite hoki ia i tēnei wā o te rōpū matua o Te Ahu o Te Reo ki Tainui.

Tamalene Painting
Board Member
Mema Poari
Tamalene brings more than 30 years of television and film production experience and knowledge to her role of Te Māngai Pāho Board Member. Throughout her extensive career, she has collaborated with other Māori producers and industry organisations to prioritise capacity building, advocate for Māori working in the screen industry, and create opportunities for authentic Māori programming and storytelling. Part of that process was lobbying for a dedicated Māori channel. Tamalene is Chair of the Committee of Management responsible for managing and growing the assets of her Hokianga based hapū and is part of the taumata at Te Herenga Waka O Orewa, a community-based marae in Silverdale.

Brian Morris
Ngāti Kahungunu, Rongowhakaata
Board Member
Mema Poari
Brian returns to Te Māngai Pāho Board after a 4-year hiatus. He has over 20 years' experience in the publishing industry as a company director. As a former principal of Te Aute College and an experienced educator, Brian brings to the Board excellent relationship management skills at the strategic level and well-established networks with iwi. Brian is a fluent speaker of Māori and also a Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori licensed translator. Throughout his career, Brian has held many positions in iwi organisations, with his most recent role being the Cultural Lead for the Ngā Ara Tipuna - Digital Storytelling Trail in Waipukurau.